LUCID Packaging Register and Dual System Operators for Importers

LUCID for import to Germany

Importers must register with the LUCID Packaging Register and partner with a Dual System Operator (DSO). Different packaging types, such as product, sales, shipment, and repackaged packaging, have licensing requirements. The quantity and material of packaging determine the licensing fees. Non-compliance with the Packaging Act can lead to hefty fines and in severe cases to sales ban. Understanding German packaging laws is crucial for seamless import and distribution in Germany.

Packaging Waste Management and Recycling in Germany

The increasing amount of waste poses a significant challenge to our planet. This is why, the Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste of the European Parliament says, that the European Countries must implement a system to track and regulate waste management.

The German Packaging Act (VerpackG) is the law that implemented these efforts. It encourages recycling and aims to lessen harm to the environment. It also helps save natural resources. Because of this, businesses in Germany, including importers, have to meet certain rules to follow these regulations. The aim is to cut down on packaging waste and promote better packaging options.

Amazon, eBay, and Etsy are popular online marketplaces where importers in Germany can sell their products. It is important for importers to be aware of the LUCID Packaging Register and Dual System Operators (DSOs) to ensure compliance with packaging regulations in Germany. By understanding the requirements and working with the appropriate dual system operators, importers can avoid fines and penalties for non-compliance. Make sure to research the specific regulations for packaging and waste management when selling products on Amazon, eBay, and Etsy in Germany.

What is the LUCID Packaging Register?

The LUCID Packaging Register is managed by the Central Agency Packaging Register (ZSVR). It is a national database in Germany for recording and monitoring packaging waste. All companies that first sell packaging in Germany, including importers, must sign up and get their LUCID number.

To register, companies need to share detailed information about their business and the packaging materials they use. This system helps make things clear and lets authorities track the materials during their life. Like this, they can make sure everyone follows the rules set by the VerpackG.

The Role of Dual System Operators

Dual System Operators (DSOs) are very important in Germany for managing packaging waste. They are private companies that are allowed to collect, sort, and recycle packaging waste from people’s homes. Importers who sell packaging must partner with a DSO by law.

This partnership is made official with a system participation contract. It helps make sure that the packaging waste from the importer’s products is handled properly. The importer pays a fee to the DSO based on how much packaging material they sell. This helps fund the collection and recycling processes.

When importers pick a DSO, they should think about things like the DSO's recycling rates, the service they provide and the countries they operate in.

Packaging Waste in Europe

Germany as well as other European countries are working to manage packaging waste in a way that supports the European Union’s goals. The EU wants to make packaging waste rules easier to follow for its member countries. This helps boost recycling rates and promotes sustainable packaging.

Even though some rules might be different, the main idea is that producers should take responsibility for how their packaging affects the environment. This shared plan aims to build a circular economy for packaging in Europe. It not only helps the environment but also inspires new ideas in packaging design and recycling technology.

Choosing a Dual System Operator for Import

Choosing the right DSO is very important for businesses that import to Germany. Start by looking at your company's specific needs. Think about how much packaging materials you use and your goals for being eco-friendly. Check the DSO's reputation, experience, and how well they recycle.

Make sure they have clear pricing and offer extra services like help with reporting. Look for a strong commitment to caring for the environment. By reviewing these points, you can find a DSO that fits your business needs and follows German packaging laws.

Types of Packaging

To understand how and which kind of packaging must be licensed with LUCID, it is crucial to differentiate between these types of packaging. Importers must also be aware of the obligations that fall under their responsibility.

  • Product packaging is essential for protecting and providing product information. In Germany, the Packaging Ordinance sets requirements for materials, labels, and recycling. Using sustainable materials and designs can save costs and meet eco-friendly preferences.
  • Shipment packaging safeguards goods during shipping, ensuring safe delivery from manufacturer to buyer. Importers must comply with licensing and recycling rules under the German Packaging Act, opting for recyclable options to align with environmental standards.
  • Repackaging involves changing a product's packaging to improve branding or address damage. In Germany, adhering to packaging regulations is crucial for importers when introducing new sales packaging to the market.
  • Sales packaging for private consumers in Germany must adhere to strict rules outlined in the German Packaging Act (VerpackG). It can be interesting for companies to think about reusablibity when it comes to sales packaging.

Foreign Companies

Implementing German packaging rules for importers requires a clear plan. First, understand your responsibilities. Then, register with LUCID and get your LUCID number. Next, pick a DSO that fits your needs. Make sure to set up your internal processes to track packaging materials and amounts properly.

Work closely with your suppliers to collect the needed documents and confirm that the material declarations are correct. By taking care of these things early on, importers can follow German packaging rules easily. This helps to avoid fines and build a responsible supply chain.

Overview for Importers

This table gives a simplified overview of an importers' obligation to license packaging for the German market.

Business Structure Business Location Packaging Compliance
Buying Ex Works from a foreign business partner Germany All Packaging must be licensed
Buying Ex Works from a foreign business partner Outside of Germany All Packaging must be licensed
Buying goods delivered at place from a foreign business partner Germany All Packaging must be licensed
Buying goods delivered at place from a foreign business partner Outside of Germany All Packaging must be licensed
Selling goods and delivering at place to a German company Outside of Germany All Packaging must be licensed
Selling goods Ex Works to a German company Outside of Germany No Packaging License is needed for Germany. The German Company must license all packaging. Depending on the location of your company, you might have to comply with packaging export rules of your country.


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Licensing Requirements for Each Packaging Type

The German Packaging Act imposes specific regulations on different types of packaging. Importers typically handle both product packaging and shipment packaging, and it is essential to guarantee that all packaging is correctly licensed. While certain packaging might come prelicensed, it is crucial to stay in contact with manufacturers to provide licensing documentation to the ZSVR (Central Agency Packaging Register) as and when required.


Our selector tool simplifies the selection of the appropriate Dual System Operator (DSO) for your business, saving you time and helping you make an informed decision tailored to your needs. Factors considered include packaging type, -volume and budget limitations, enabling you to identify the DSO that aligns best with your business goals.

Find the right DSO for your business

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  • Glas
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Understanding and following German packaging rules is crucial for businesses. To comply, know the allowed packaging materials and formats in Germany. Register with LUCID if selling packaged products. Working with a Dual System Operator (DSO) is key for waste collection and recycling. Sustainable packaging shows commitment to the environment, supporting Germany's move toward a greener future. It also appeals to environmentally conscious consumers, building loyalty.

Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can help you understand German packaging regulations and comply with LUCID registration and choosing Dual System Operators.

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What is the difference between LUCID and DSO registration?

LUCID registration means you need to register your business with the Central Agency Packaging Register. DSO registration, however, requires you to pick a DSO and sign a contract. This contract allows them to manage your packaging collection and recycling duties. You need both registrations to follow the German Packaging Ordinance.

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How do I determine if my packaging needs to be licensed?

If your packaging is sales packaging, meaning it will reach private consumers in Germany, it must be licensed. You should check if your packaging falls under the system participation obligation set by the VerpackG.

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Can foreign companies register with the ZSVR without a presence in Germany?

Yes, foreign companies that do not have a physical branch in Germany also have to register with the ZSVR. You can complete this process online. For online retailers located outside of Germany, the "delivered at place" rule applies. This means the importer is responsible.

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Are there similar packaging waste regulations in other European countries?

Many European countries follow packaging waste rules based on EU guidelines. These rules focus on making producers responsible for the complete lifecycle of their packaging.