LUCID Packaging Register and Reusable Offer Obligation for the Food Service Industry in Germany

LUCID in the food service industry

Like all other Companies in Europe, that deal with packaging, the food service industry must register their disposable packaging with LUCID and a Dual System Operator. Additionally, as of January 1st, 2023, the food service industry in Germany is mandated to provide reusable packaging options for takeaway food and beverages. This new law, known as the "Mehrwegangebotspflicht," necessitates eateries to offer reusable alternatives alongside disposable ones for on-site dining. Businesses must clarify that the reusable option isn't pricier than the disposable equivalent and provide visible information about the reusable choices. Smaller establishments (under 80 sq meters and employing five or fewer individuals) can opt to fill containers brought in by customers. This regulation underscores Germany's commitment to minimizing waste and promoting a circular economy within the food sector.

The Plastic Recycling Problem

Packaging waste poses a huge challenge in our modern world. Oceans get flooded with packaging waste and the environment is suffering all over the world. A big part of this is the packaging waste that comes from food service companies providing to-go meals and beverages. Needless to say, packaging waste in the food service industry in Germany is a hot topic. To master the situation, Germany implemented two laws. The German Packaging Act (VerpackG) regulates, registration and licensing of all disposable packaging. This ensures, that the responsibility for recycling is given back to the business, rather than put on the community and the taxpayer.

The Second law is the reusable offer obligation (Mehrwegangebotspflicht) for gastronomic businesses in Germany. It states, that every business, bigger than 80 sq meters and employing 6 or more individuals must offer their customers a reusable packaging alternative for their takeaway foods and beverages.

Understanding VerpackG for the Food Service Industry

The German Packaging Law (VerpackG) is important for the food service industry. It encourages better waste management and sustainable practices. All food industries, that provide to-go beverages and foods, must register with the LUCID Packaging Register and license all single-use packaging that eventually end up in a customer's private household.

Overview of the VerpackG and its Impact on Gastronomy

The German Packaging Act (VerpackG) is a law aimed at cutting down the harm packaging waste does to the environment. This law requires producers and retailers to join a dual system for collecting and recycling packaging, helping to protect the environment.

For catering businesses, the VerpackG has brought important changes, especially for disposable packaging used for takeout and dining in. These businesses must register with the LUCID Packaging Register and get a license for their packaging from a Dual System Operator (DSO).

By making businesses accountable for their packaging waste, the VerpackG pushes for more sustainable packaging options. It supports innovation in food packaging, rewards easy recyclable packaging and encourages reusable food packaging and deposit systems.

What is the LUCID Packaging Register?

The LUCID Packaging Register is an online platform run by the Central Agency Packaging Register (ZSVR) in Germany. This register is part of the VerpackG law. Its main job is to keep track of packaging materials that are used in the German market.

All businesses that pack products for consumers in Germany must sign up with the LUCID Register. This rule applies to companies of any size and to all types of packaging. Registering is a legal requirement under the VerpackG.

What is the LUCID Packaging Register?

The LUCID Packaging Register is an online platform run by the Central Agency Packaging Register (ZSVR) in Germany. This register is part of the VerpackG law. Its main job is to keep track of packaging materials that are used in the German market.

All businesses that pack products for consumers in Germany must sign up with the LUCID Register. This rule applies to companies of any size and to all types of packaging. Registering is a legal requirement under the VerpackG.

Requirements for Licensing Disposable Packaging with a Dual System Operator

The second step to comply with the law is: that all businesses that sell packaged products must join a system to collect and recycle packaging waste. This system is run by dual system operators. These operators are private companies that collect, sort, and recycle packaging waste for businesses that sign up.

To sell their packaged products legally, businesses need a packaging license from a DSO. This license shows that the business is paying for the collection and recycling of its packaging. The cost of the license depends on what type and how much packaging a business uses. By getting a license for their packaging, businesses meet legal requirements under the VerpackG.

The Role of the Food Service Industry in the Reusable Packaging Ecosystem

The food service industry plays an important role in using reusable packaging. As a big source of packaging waste, restaurants can help change what people buy and make reusable options more common.

When they provide reusable packaging, food businesses follow the law and help cut down on waste. They also support a circular economy. By doing this, they show they care about the environment and can bring in customers who want to make better choices for our planet.

Reusable Offer Obligations Under the New Law

As of January 1, 2023, Germany implemented the "Mehrwegangebotspflicht," requiring significant changes for food-related businesses. Gastronomic establishments are now mandated to present a reusable packaging choice next to the disposable one for dine-in and takeaway services. Restaurants, cafés, and similar establishments must offer customers the option to have their meals and beverages in reusable containers without additional costs. The reusable option must be prominently displayed, and a deposit scheme could be implemented. Additionally, businesses must allow customers to bring their own containers for serving food and drinks to-go.

Which Businesses are excluded from the Law?

The German Packaging Ordinance has strict rules for most food service businesses. However, small shops with less than 80 square meters of sales area and a maximum of five employees do not have to follow the rule to provide reusable options.

These small businesses still need to follow the German packaging law and register, with LUCID and license their disposable packaging with a DSO. Additionally, they must let customers bring their own containers for takeout food and drinks. This rule helps small businesses do their part in reducing waste from single-use packaging without making it too hard for them.

Another exception is, that businesses must offer customers a reusable alternative only for mixed material packaging. Pizza Cartons and some paper bags from bakeries for example do not fall under this law. A tip from our side for pizza places as well as bakeries is to make sure the packaging is made out of cardboard or paper and no synthetic plastics are mixed into the packaging. Which is often the case with “paper” bags from the bakery.

Reusable Offer Obligations for the Food Service Industry in Germany

We learned now, that Germany is serious about cutting down packaging waste and supporting a circular economy. They have established clear rules for the food service industry regarding reusable options.

The new law requires businesses to give customers real choices between reusable and disposable tableware and take-out containers. This means that reusable options must be easy to see. They must also be as easy to get as disposables. To achieve this, there are a couple of companies in Germany, that manufacture reusable packaging for the food service industry and implemented a deposit system all over Germany and thus makes it cost-efficient for food service businesses.

A second advantage of such a system is the feasibility for the customer. Imagine: a person getting a coffee in a reusable cup at the train station in Munich would be able to return it to a coffee shop at a train station in Hamburg. This law encourages exactly this. The use of reusable alternatives, making them a key part of the takeaway food experience.

reCup Deposit System

reCup for example is a thriving company that specializes on fabricating reusable to-go packaging and making them available with a deposit system for all food service businesses in Germany. This deposit system encourages people to use containers again by offering money back. When customers buy food or drinks, they pay a deposit on reusable cups, bowls, or containers.

After they return the empty containers, customers get their money back and the restaurant cleans the container in their dishwasher. This simplifies the process for customers to choose the reusable option over the disposable one. Meanwhile, restaurants can comply with the law while keeping costs low.

Deposit System for Food Delivery Services

There are some things that need to be noticed when it comes to food delivery services and their obligation to offer reusable containers.

  1. The food delivery service itself does not have to provide the customer with reusable packaging. However, the restaurant where the food gets collected needs to provide that option.
  2. If a restaurant delivers food itself, it is obligated to give the customer the option of reusable food packaging. This could be implemented through a deposit system.
  3. Pizza cartons are excluded from the law. Restaurants do not need to provide a reusable alternative packaging to the customer.

By encouraging the use of reusable packaging in a field that typically uses disposable items, Germany is helping create a more sustainable food delivery system. The deposit system supports better choices for both customers and businesses.

Registering with LUCID and licensing with a Dual System Operator

Once you made sure to provide your customer with a reusable option for your takeaway foods and beverages, it is time to think about the remaining disposable packages.

Therefore, navigating the German Packaging Act is very important for businesses in the food service industry. The process has two main steps. First, you need to register with the LUCID platform. Second, you have to get a packaging license from a dual system operator.

Registration with the LUCID Packaging Register for all disposable Packaging

Registering with the LUCID Packaging Register is an important step for all companies that pack products for consumers in Germany. This includes businesses in food services, no matter how big or small they are. The Central Agency Packaging Register (ZSVR) runs this online platform. It helps keep things clear and ensures that companies follow the packaging law.

The registration process requires you to provide basic information about your company. This includes your contact details, tax ID numbers, and information about the packaging materials you use. If you do not register or give wrong information, you may get fined heavily. The LUCID Register is essential for tracking the packaging volumes used in the German Market. It makes sure that businesses take responsibility for their products.

License your disposable Packaging with a Dual System Operator

Once you register with LUCID, the next step is to license your disposable packaging through a DSO. This step is important because it ensures that businesses pay to help collect, sort, and recycle the packaging they use. This is a requirement under the German Packaging Act.

DSOs are private companies hired by the government to handle recycling of packaging waste. When businesses pay a licensing fee to their selected DSO, they help cover the costs related to managing their packaging waste.

Choosing the right DSO for your business can be a challenge. Therefore, we created a selector tool, that helps you find the right fit for you and your business.

Mixed Materials are more expensive than Single Materials

Packaging materials come in two main types: single materials and mixed materials. Single materials include things like pure cardboard and clear glass. Mixed materials can be items like beverage cartons that have plastic and aluminum layers. When it comes to licensing fees, single materials usually cost less than mixed materials. This is because recycling mixed materials is more complicated.

Single materials are cheaper and easier to recycle. This is because they don’t need a lot of sorting or extra processing. On the other hand, mixed materials are tough for recyclers, which raises costs. This means that using single materials can save money.

Also, single materials often have better recycling rates. They are more often turned into high-quality products. By choosing packaging made from single materials, businesses can show they care about the environment while saving costs.

Find the right DSO for your business

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The German packaging act requires initial distributors, including those in the food service industry, to know and follow their responsibilities. They need to register with LUCID, get licenses for their packaging, and are obligated to offer reusable alternatives to their customers. This article highlights the challenges of compliance and the complexities involved in launching a food service enterprise. If you need help navigating the law, our experts are happy to help.

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How do I register for a LUCID number?

To get a LUCID number, businesses need to register online with the Central Packaging Register Office (ZSVR) using the LUCID portal. This registration is required by the German Packaging Act for any company that sells packaging in the German market.

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Which types of food service businesses are affected by the reusable offer obligation?

The reusable offer obligation from the German Packaging Ordinance usually applies to registered companies in the food service industry. This includes businesses that sell food or beverages for customers to eat on-site or take away. Catering services also fall under this rule.

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What are the penalties for non-compliance with the VerpackG and Mehrwegangebotspflicht laws?

Not following the VerpackG and Mehrwegangebotspflicht can lead to big fines, legal problems, and a damaged reputation. These rules support environmental protection, and officials make sure to enforce them.