Mytayls ensures a better coexistence between two-legged and four-legged friends for a harmonious coexistence.

Founding Consulting
Successfully Founded

The founder of Mytayls, Anne Marschner, is an enthusiastic dog owner. With Mytayls, she has created a platform that brings dog trainers and dog owners together. Dog training, excursions and walks are offered as services.

Hello Anne, how did you come up with the idea to found mytayls?
During the Corona pandemic in October 2020, I was desperately looking for a dog trainer. I found it very frustrating that I couldn't book a dog trainer online and that no platform addressed this problem. So I first thought about how I could change this situation and what options there were. In spring 2021, the mytalys project became more concrete and entered the development phase.
What were your biggest fears and concerns?
Basically, I never had any intention of starting a business, but I always found the start-up scene very interesting and wasn't entirely opposed to the idea. In this context, I read up on startup platforms, attended online events, gained a lot of impressions and learned new things. During that time I had many questions such as: How do I found a start-up? What do i have to do? How do I finance my living expenses? How do I find a suitable co-founder? Over time, suitable answers to my questions were found and my concerns became less.
Looking back, what are you proud of? What were your greatest achievements?
After quitting my original job, I could have easily started somewhere else. However, I focused on my project as a founder and pushed through. Certain self-doubts always accompany you, but there are solutions to all problems. In this context, I was able to build a team and found two co-founders who would drive the project forward with me with 100% conviction. My personal development is crucial for the milestones we have been able to achieve so far. Being accepted into an accelerator program also shows that we can also convince external parties of our idea.
Which character traits are an absolute must to assert yourself as a founder?
For me, courage is an elementary factor in tackling and overcoming many challenges. In this context, a high willingness to learn is important in order to engage with different perspectives. In addition, you should be open and also do unpleasant tasks that are still unknown or in which you have little expertise. The ability to believe in yourself and in the project is the basis for pulling other people along and inspiring them.
How did nxt milestone help/support?
Kai and Georg's experience gave me a lot of confidence in taking the right steps and getting well-founded answers to questions or uncertainties. The personal advice was a great gain for me and helped me understand topics such as financial planning. In addition, there is a very good knowledge of the start-up scene and the associated challenges for founders.
What's a fuck-ups to you?
For me, behind a fuckup there is always a learning and the opportunity to do something better or differently. As an example, pitching or presenting my idea on a stage was a big challenge for me at the beginning. A routine has now developed and I enjoy it a lot. In addition, it can be difficult to find your own tasks, move forward with them and ultimately master them. In this context, it is important to ask for help, support or feedback. Communication is key and elementary for further development and working together.
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